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Abstract Booklet and List of Attendees

Tuesday 9th January: 

9:00-9:25 Registration/Badge Pickup

9:25-9:30 Introduction 

9:30-10:10 Invited speaker: Hans-Peter Bunge (LMU Munich)

10:10-10:30 Pingping Huang (Newcastle University) - Investigating the causes of residual ocean tide loading displacements in western Europe with GPS data as well as ocean tide and solid earth models of high quality

10:30 –11:15 Coffee break and Poster session 

11:20-11:40 Hamish Brown (LMU Munich) - Synthetic Hiatus Maps as a Tool for Constraining Global Mantle Circulation Models

11:40-12:00 Ana Ferreira (University College London) - The UPFLOW experiment: Peeking from the sea floor to the deep mantle with an ~1,500 km aperture array of 50 ocean bottom seismometers in the mid-Atlantic

12:00-12:20 Abigail Plimmer (Cardiff University) - The feedback between lithosphere properties and mantle structures: a back-to-basics approach.

12:20-12:40 Gwynfor Morgan (Cardiff University) - Can downwellings stagnate in global mantle convection models with different phase boundary morphologies?

12:40-13:40 Lunch and Poster session 

13:40-14:20 Invited speaker: Andy Thomson (University College London)

14:20-14:40 Simon Hunt (University of Manchester) - Experimental observation of Internal-stress superplasticity: a new attenuation mechanism in hcp-metals that may operate in the Earth’s Inner Core

14:40-15:00 Elena-Marie Rogmann (University of Bristol)- The effect of potassium on aluminous phase stability in the lower mantle

15:00-15:55 Coffee break and dedicated poster session 

16:00-16:20 Hannah Rogers (ISterre, Université Grenoble Alpes/CNES) - Core surface flow ingredients: sensitivity to geodynamo priors and geomagnetic secular variation data

16:20-16:40 Yue-Kin Tsang (Newcastle University) - Scaling of the geomagnetic secular variation time scales

16:40-17:00 Thomas Frasson (Université Grenoble Alpes) - Effect of heat flux heterogeneities at the core-mantle boundary on geodynamo simulations

17:00-17:20 Calum S. Skene (University of Leeds) - Minimal seeds for the geodynamo via gradient-based optimisation


19:00- Dinner at Akbars 


Wednesday 10th January: 

9:30-10:10 Invited Speaker: Claire Nichols (University of Oxford)

10:10-10:30 Jessica Irving (University of Bristol) - Core transiting seismic waves on Mars: observations and implications

10:30-11:15 Coffee break and Poster session 

11:20-11:40 Frederik Dahl Madsen (University of Edinburgh) - ΔLOD from 1900 to 2023 – what has happened to the 6 year oscillation?

11:40-12:00 Thomas Merry (Australian National University) - Insights on the African upper mantle from Quasi-Love wave scattering

12:00-12:20 James Panton (Cardiff University) - Distinct Origins of Low Velocity Provinces  

12:20-12:40 Stuart Russell (Universität Münster) - Normal mode evidence for a kilometre scale slow layer atop the core-mantle boundary 

12:40-13:40 Lunch and Poster session 

13:30-13:50 Paula Koelemeijer (University of Oxford) - What do we actually know about the mantle: constraining seismic structures using Backus-Gilbert based inferences

13:50-14:30 Invited speaker: Matt Jackson (University of California, Santa Barbara)

14:30-14:45 Close